Papa Recipe (Skincare)

Papa Recipe Sparkling Bubble Toc Mask
An advanced deep-cleansing and brightening wash-off bubble mask that effectively unclogs pores and eliminates impurities deep in the pores. It features a special bubbling action from carbonated bubbles that makes its way down to the pores to help melt away dirt while also supplying nourishment. It is richly infused with AHA Fruit Complex and Papaya extract that exfoliate the skin while also helping it in regenerating new and healthy skin cells. Along with these natural herb exfoliators, it also feature Licorice root extract to even out skin tone.

Before opening the pack, gently press it a couple of times to make sure it’s well-mixed. Apply the pack evenly all over the face after cleansing and leave it for 10 minutes until the bubbles form. Gently take the sheet off and rinse your face with lukewarm water.


This was nice...where it reached. This basically just covered my nose and mouth area and half of the cheek. That was it. The outer half of my cheek and jaw area was left bare and for whatever reason these bubble sheet masks don't seem to cover the forehead. The Mediheal bubble sheet mask that I tried in the past didn't cover the forehead either, but that one actually covered the rest of my face...the entire lower half of my face unlike this one.

This is made of a very soft cotton material and starts to bubble up immediately...even before you get it on your face. It can get a little ticklish feeling as this bubbles up, but for me it was fine. While it did have a nice layer of bubbles on it after 10 minutes, it didn't bubble up and get as big as the Mediheal one. Regardless, it did do a great job of unclogging and cleaning out my pores. I didn't notice any brightening action with this, but it did help in reducing the size of a pimple that I had on my chin.

After I removed this and rinsed it off, I feel like it left behind a little bit of a residue though which I wasn't crazy about. It wasn't enough to seriously bother me, but there was a slight something something left while this did work and was nice, I do prefer the Mediheal Mogongtox Soda Bubble Sheet Mask:

Upon application, side of the mask, and after a full 10 minutes.


1. Memebox

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