Fitness Journey - Week 2 (Health)

Hi guys!
I'm here with week two of my fitness journey. Week one went better than expected, but week two has had some...growing pains? I don't know if that's the right word, but there were a lot of ups and downs...but I ended it on a fantastic note and am excited to continue on. I feel like my body did make some fitness improvements though, so maybe growing pains is the right word, but at any rate here are my stats for the week...

Day 8 - Saturday, November 3rd, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Grocery Shopping

Thoughts: If you saw my Week One post: then you know I ended the week with a lot of foot pain. My left foot was ok, but my right foot not so much. Well, I woke up this morning with A LOT of pain in my right heel. So much so that I actually couldn't walk and had to limp around because it was too painful to put weight and pressure on my right heel. It was that I decided not to do my workout today and instead take it easy. At the same time, I still didn't want to just sit or lay around the house and I did need to do a bunch of grocery shopping, so that's what I did instead. That was my "workout" for the day. I slowly limped around the grocery store instead using my shopping cart for support.

I think the issue I was having though is the fact that I've been walking around my home essentially barefoot. I was wearing socks, but I might as well have been barefoot and I don't have any cushy carpeting in my home. It's all hardwood and wood laminate and tile, which are all hard surfaces and all my cushiony house slippers had worn out, so I tossed them and have just been walking around the house in regular ankle socks and that was clearly not enough cushioning and support for my feet on these hard surfaces.

I think that's what the issue was because after picking up some new cushiony slippers at the Korean grocery store earlier... feet are doing so much better. After doing a lot of foot stretches and wearing my new slippers, I'm not limping anymore. My left foot is completely 100% better and my right, while still sore, is not extremely painful anymore...and I know the slippers are helping because I tried walking around without them to compare how it feels vs. walking with the slippers and there was a HUGE difference. It's not just the stretching, the slippers are making a difference. So stretching + new thick cushiony slippers and my heel is doing sooooooo much better.

I mean look at all that thick cushioning. I should've just gotten new house slippers to begin with, but since Black Friday was coming up, I had put off buying new slippers until then since I know they will go on sale, but that was a bad idea. At my weight, I need the extra padding and support walking around on the hard floors of my house. Really glad I picked up a pair at the store today. New slippers + stretching = healing foot.

Day 9 - Sunday, November 4th, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Hiking at City View Trail

Thoughts: After all the stretching and walking around the house in my new cushiony house slippers, my foot was feeling MUCH better this morning, so I decided to get back out there and get my exercise in for the day.

I did get a later start to my day though because of Daylight Savings. I woke up at 7AM wide eyed and bushy tailed and instead of just getting out of bed and going about my day, since it was Daylight Savings and I had an "extra hour" to spare I decided to linger in bed and watch some shows since I had woken up "early"...but then the time got away from me and by the time I rolled out of bed and washed my face, brushed my teeth and got dressed it was already 10AM. Daylight savings always messes me up.

Anywho, I headed out to City View trail today and my workout was almost on par with how I was feeling last Sunday, but I was dragging a little bit. My right heel, while doing loads better, was still sore and I think that time of the month is coming because I always get tired and sluggish and lazy the week before and that was how I was feeling...but, as usual, after my muscles had warmed up and the endorphins were flowing about halfway through my workout I started feeling so much better and the workout got much easier.

I was feeling good, so I actually explored the backside of the hill as well. Once you get to the top, the trail continues on down the other side. I don't remember it being there when I went last year, but it's there now so I decided to explore and the trail on the backside is much steeper of an incline, but I had an easier time going back up the steeper incline than when I was starting my workout. Maybe I should warm up my muscles before I hit the trail in the future. Anywho, another great workout on the books.

Day 10 - Monday, November 5th, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Hiking/Walking at Whitney Mesa (Upper Trail)

Thoughts: Whitney Mesa is definitely a favorite of mine, so I went back there to get in my exercise for the day. Due to the time change over the weekend, it was a bit warmer than I was expecting, so I think I need to wake up an hour earlier to hit the trails because I love the crisp cool morning air. Not that it was hot, but I feel like working out while breathing in the cooler crisp morning air helps me workout better.

Regardless, the workout went well today. My foot is feeling even better today than it was yesterday, so it didn't bother me at all during my workout, which seems to be back on par with where I was last week. No more dragging like I was yesterday a little bit.

Day 11 - Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Walking at Whitney Mesa (Lower Trail)

Thoughts: Went back to Whitney Mesa again, but instead of going up on top of the mesa I walked along the lower trail. That time of the month is definitely creeping up on me and it's making me lazy and tired, so I decided to take it "easy" with the lower walking trail, but it's not as flat as I thought/remember it being. It doesn't have any obvious outright inclines or anything like that, but it definitely has dips and lulls and is a gently graded trail.

Not sure how well you can tell in this picture, but see how the trail is gently graded? Also, if you look at my fitbit stats as well, it clocked me as having climbed an equivalent of 17 floors, so it seems to be pretty much on par with the upper trail. It's not an accurate and precise method of tracking inclines, but you gives you a general idea.

As always, once I was up and at 'em and the endorphins were flowing I was feeling good and glad I went for my daily morning workout. Feeling so good in fact that I did some jogging towards the end and I was still feeling good. Not like last week. I must've made some cardiovascular fitness improvements because I wasn't so out of breath and dying like I was last week from sprinting...not that I did a ton running today, but I could definitely feel a slight difference and improvement.

Now that it's later in the afternoon and I'm sitting here writing down my thoughts for the day I'm feeling tired and sluggish again. My period must definitely be on it's way. The week or so leading up to it always has me feeling tired and sluggish and lazy and craving all the terrible junk food. Maybe I should get up, turn on some music and have a little mini dance get my endorphins flowing again, so I don't feel so tired and like I want to crawl into bed. Anywho, that's it for today. Another great workout on the books.

Day 12 - Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Walking and dancing around the house

Thoughts: I had to go get my blood drawn today for my doctor's appointment, which is coming up, so I didn't get a chance to go workout this morning. I thought about going beforehand, but I had to do fasting labs this time around so no food AND no water and the earliest appointment I was able to get was 9:45AM. If I had gone to workout then I know I would've been parched and wanting to guzzle down water...especially since I woke up thirsty as it was. Thank goodness I was able to have at least a little bit of water for the purposes of taking my medication in the morning.

Anywho, I still could've gone to workout during my lunch break, but...I didn't. I wasn't feeling that great yesterday (as you know from yesterdays thoughts) and it only got worse as the evening progressed and I ended up getting a headache as well, so I took some Advil and went to bed early. Felt better this morning, but I still don't feel good. I don't feel as terrible like yesterday, but I can feel it lurking waiting to rear it's ugly head again, so I decided to just take it easy and just walk around a lot indoors and turn on some music and dance around and do some leg lifts and whatnot, so that's what I did...I'm still being active even though I'm taking it easy and not being complacent.

An impending period doesn't bring on headaches, so I don't know what's going on. I thought I wasn't feeling great because of my period, which part of it is probably still that, but I don't know what is up with the headache. I can feel it lurking and I just feel like I'm in that weird in know when you can feel a headache coming on. Well I'm stuck there. It's not progressing into a headache, but I'm in the feel it coming on limbo and have been all day, which that coupled with the fact that I got my blood drawn is why I'm taking it easy today. My anemia is completely cured at this point, but still. Hopefully the whole feeling subpar thing goes away completely and I will feel better tomorrow since I took it easy today...but I still got my steps in! My goal is to get in at least 8K steps a day so...mission accomplished!

Day 13 - Thursday, November 8th, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Walking around the neighborhood

Thoughts: I woke up this morning feeling good. I don't know why I was feeling bad the past two days, but no more headache/feeling like I'm about to get a headache. Maybe I slept wrong and the tension from my neck and shoulder travelled up to my head? Anywho, woke up with a clear head and felt good, so I went for my morning workout bright eyed and bushy tailed.

I had to take my mom to the doctor's this morning though, so I kept it simple with a quick jaunt around the neighborhood so I could get the workout in before the appointment...since I now like to workout in the morning and not in the afternoon, but perhaps I should've waited and just done an afternoon workout because it was super chilly this morning. It probably would've been fine, but the wind. The wind made it feel so much more chilly than it was. I should definitely dress warmer from now on since the temperatures dropping and the winds are coming.

Anywho, enough about extraneous things. Workout was good. I feel like my muscles took a bit longer to warm up this morning, so I was dragging a little bit the first 2/3 of the workout, but once they finally did I was good and even did some light jogging to try and stay warm the last 1/3 of the way. Another workout on the books, but I'm ready to hit the trails again tomorrow and get in some inclines.

Day 14 - Friday, November 9th, 2018
Fitbit Stats for the Day

Today's Exercise: Hiking/Walking at Whitney Mesa (Upper Trail)

Thoughts: Today was a great day. I ended the week strong with a jaunt at my favorite trail Whitney Mesa, and muscles didn't even need time to warm up. They were loosey goosey and ready to go straight from the get go, which was awesome. No more waiting for my tight muscles to loosen up during the first half of my workout. I was doing some light jogging and walking the whole way through...which is probably why it took me less time to finish the trail today than it's been taking me the past 2 weeks. Not that there was a huge time difference since I was just doing spurts of jogging here and there, but I could definitely feel the improvements.

On top of that I just had a lot of energy today, so I was dancing to music and also just generally walking around a lot today...despite the blister that formed on the bottom of my left foot. My body is definitely making fitness improvements and I'm so excited to be getting back in shape. Can't wait to get even more and more in shape, so I can go tackle some harder trails like Angels Landing at Zion. My goal was to go do it last year, but obviously that didn't happen thanks to the anemia...but mark my words, I will check that off my list come spring 2019.



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