NO:HJ (Skincare)

A cellulose sheet containing mud extract and tea tree to calm inflammation and cleanse any impurities in order to leave the skin clear and smooth.

After cleansing, adjust skin with a toner. Remove and apply the sheet mask. After 15-20 minutes, remove mask and gently pat the remaining essence into the skin.

Water, Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Tea Tree Leaf, Lemon Extract, Asai Palm Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sea Silt Extract, Aloe Vera Leaf Extract, Green Tea Extract, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Tomato Extract, Bamboo Leaf Extract, Licorice Extract, Witch Hazel Water, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Xanthan Gum, Allantoin, Ethanol, Arginine, Panthenol, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Disodium EDTA, Fragrance

***I couldn't find a trustworthy ingredient list online, so I just translated the ingredients listed on the packaging. I'm 99% sure my translation is correct, but wanted you to know I'm not a certified expert yeah, FYI.

November 10th, 2017: I recently went on a business trip, and I was real bad. I ignored my skincare even though I took my travel pouch with me, I ate terribly the entire time, was stressed out and I did not get much sleep (waking up early and going to bed late) I said, I was bad. I came back exhausted and tired and not feeling that great and I feel like I might be getting sick...I also feel like my face shows it as well. All that exhaustion and bad eating and not taking care of's very evident on my face. I look pretty haggard right now. My pores/skin also feel clogged and congested as well from eating so much junk and not doing any skincare whatsoever, so I figured I would whip this baby out to give it a try.

This initially caught my eye and I wanted to try it out because it's a mud mask, but it doesn't look like a mud mask. Usually mud masks well...they have mud on them and you can tell it is a mud mask, but this one just looks like a regular sheet mask. If I didn't know any better I would think it is a normal sheet mask and not a mud I really love the packaging. The frosted lace like patterned packaging that is made of that soft touch material that feels velvety and's got pretty packaging.

Anywho, that's not what's important though, so let's get to the actual review. The sheet mask itself is a very thin cellulose sheet mask (at least that's what it says...but to me it doesn't feel like cellulose, it feels more like a gauze-like material) that is drenched in serum...however it does not drip, so no worries about that. It does have a slight scent if you hold it up close to your nose, but otherwise I didn't really smell it, although my nose is a bit stuffed I said, I think I might be getting sick. From what I can tell, the scent isn't offensive though.

The overall fit of the sheet mask was pretty good...a little bit bigger than your average sheet mask, so it actually pretty much covered the sides of my face from ear to ear and the majority of my forehead, though not completely. The eye holes however are very narrow and were barely big enough for my small eyes, so the average person will probably want to stretch that out, same goes for the mouth hole which I actually did stretch out a little bit.

The material is honestly not that stretchy, but you can stretch it out a little bit using your hands. However, if you need to stretch it out a lot you'll probably want to use scissors to cut some slits instead. Oh, and it falls a bit short covering the entire length of my nose, but there was enough left over serum to rub on the tip of my nose, my neck and the very top of my forehead. 

Once on the face, it adhered nicely and felt very secure and while I had it on it felt fine. Not particularly cooling or refreshing or soothing, but not uncomfortable either. Like I said it felt fine, but it did dry out a bit in the philtrum area...aka the space between your nose and upper lip, but it stayed moist everywhere else.

Once removed, it left behind a nice layer of serum, which I was able to easily pat into the absorbed quickly and easily. It did border on almost wanting to feel sticky and tacky, but it didn't actually cross that line and felt fine...and after it absorbed completely it did leave my face feeling softer and smoother, which was nice. It also left my skin hydrated as well, but that was about it. My pores/skin didn't feel purged, my face wasn't brighter, my skin didn't feel calmer or soothed or refreshed and it just didn't feel like I had had a truly purging mud masking session.

I feel like this was a bit gimmicky. It drew me in with it's whole it's a mud mask even though it doesn't look like one, and at the end of the day I would have just preferred an actual mud mask like the Ultru Mud Sheet Masks: that I love and not a mask that simply contains mud extract (whatever that means), as this did not fulfill my mud masking needs...although, this is a bit of a head scratcher, on the packaging it says it's a mud mask and it says it contains mud from Boryeong (which is a city in Korea known for it's mud...they hold a mud festival there annually), but it's not actually listed under the ingredients section. So does it actually contain mud extract from Boryeong or not? Judging from the results, I would lean towards not.

Anywho, I think if I had just gone into this as a regular sheet masking session I would have liked it better, but expecting this to be comparable to a mud masking session I was left disappointed. While the Facetory site isn't very elaborate on the claims, on the packaging it claims to hydrate and calm stressed out skin, purge the pores and balance your skin reversing the effects of stress, dirt and pollution on the skin and just all in all taking care of your pores. Yes, it was hydrating, but I did not find it to be purging or calming or balancing and I did not feel like it took care of my pores or really helped to de-stress my skin.

So that said, if you're just looking for an everyday sheet mask that will provide hydration and leave your skin feeling softer and smoother then this works for that...although I feel, in my opinion, there are better overall everyday sheet masks out there, but if you're looking for a good purging mud masking session than this is a definite pass.




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