Update, things to look forward to...and rambling gibberish

Hi Guys!
Hope everyone is doing well. Just wanted to jump on and give you an update because I feel like I've been terrible at keeping up with my blog since the new year started. I have been using and trying out products, but I know I haven't been the best at keeping up with my reviews so...I've decided to start up a new series of posts that I think will help out with that. From here on out I'm going to start a first impressions series. It'll just be a sentence or two with my initial reaction to a product, which I will then at a later time go back to do a full fledged review of, that way you have an idea of how I feel about a particular product without having to wait for forever.

Now first impressions aren't always an accurate measure, and my feelings can of course change over the course of using a product, but I still think it would be nice and helpful to know...right? Obviously that won't work for one off sheet masks, especially since I like to switch it up each time and don't just use one particular sheet mask over a period of time, which I know I've been slacking on lately...I look at my ginormous pile of sheet masks everyday and feel guilty just letting them sit there, but I've just been really into my actual skincare routine lately. I've found some awesome, and I mean AWESOME products and I have just been absolutely smitten with my skincare routine, so I haven't really been using masks period...sheet or otherwise.

Sidenote: I do have a post that should be going up tomorrow night that dives into a lot of the products that I've been loving and using lately if you're curious. Full reviews will be forthcoming of course (I know...I know...I say that a lot, but they are coming I promise). In the meantime you can check out that "Skincare Tips" post when it goes live tomorrow night...after I finish it up tomorrow morning/afternoon while I'm stuck at jury duty.

Now where was I...oh that's right, sheet masks. Honestly, even if I wasn't as into my skincare routine right now, I'm just really not much of a winter sheet masker to begin with. I don't know why, but I just prefer using them in the warmer months than I do the colder winter months. Actually I do know why...it's because I much prefer and enjoy the nice cooling, refreshing and calming sensation that a sheet mask gives when it's warmer and hotter than during the winter when my face is already cold anyways. Siting with something cold and wet on my face when it's already cold is not the best feeling.

Anywho, that is the plan from here on out because I have a feeling that I'm going to continue to be very busy for the next several months and probably won't be that great at keeping up with my full reviews...not that I was ever that great at consistently posting my reviews. As I'm sure you know, I still have a lot of products that I hauled for you last year months and months ago that I still haven't reviewed, but definitely don't want to do worse than before. I do really love blogging and definitely don't want to let this fall to the wayside, so hopefully this will help.

I tend to write in a stream of conscious way to just get my thoughts out and on "paper" so to speak, then I go through and try to make it into logical and coherent sentences, then I gotta go through and edit it and make sure it makes sense...not just to me but you guys, and then I'm one of those people who tends to continually edit and don't know when to stop, so yeah...that's my process and why sometimes I'm able to post daily and sometimes I disappear. It all depends on how busy I am and how much time I have available to dedicate to the blog. I suppose I could just pump out the reviews if I wanted, but I feel like then they wouldn't be that great...although honestly, I still feel like my reviews end up sounding like gibberish half the time.

No matter how busy I am though, just writing a brief sentence or two is totally doable, so I should be able to stay more consistent with keeping you in the loop on how I feel about a product without keeping you hanging or disappearing for long stretches. I will still do my best to squeeze in the full reviews as much as I can, but at the very least you can count on having my first impressions.

Lastly, if you're curious as to why I foresee myself being very busy for the next few months, aside from the usual things like work, it's because my mother will be having eye surgery next week and I will be taking care of her for the next month while she recovers, then I have a trip planned to Zion Canyon at the end of April which I can't wait for, and then when I get back from Zion I plan to start on some home renovations which I'm super excited about. One of my big resolutions for this year was to start renovating my home, so I'm so freakin excited about it. It is A LOT of planning and work, so any free time that I have I most likely will be dedicating the majority of it to that, but I can't wait to start. I've just been overflowing with creativity, and planning out what and how I'm going to renovate. On the upside though, I will be sharing and documenting my home renovation journey, so that's a new series of posts you can look forward to on this blog as well...if you're into that.

Oh, and that trip to Zion Canyon next month...you can of course expect a travel post about my adventure there. I did drive through there years ago...like 13 years ago on my way to the Grand Canyon (North Rim) and I remember it being absolutely beautiful and breathtaking, so I'm super excited to finally visit and actually explore. I really want to do the Angels Landing trail, but...

...yeah. That final section of trail along the ridge, depicted in the pic above...that is definitely not for the faint of heart. I mean...

...OMG. There is nothing but that lone chain to help you go up and down the very narrow very steep ridge, which has sheer drop-offs on both sides. If you're not familiar with this trail, go look it up on YouTube. There are tons of videos of super brave people not only tackling this ridge, but filming it at the same time. Now I'm all for pushing your boundaries and going outside your comfort zone, but when it comes to my life and my safety...umm, people have died hiking this trail so you want to be sure and confident about your ability to do this...so I'll probably start the trail and do the "safe" part, but not go all the way. One day I hope to, but I don't think that day will be when I go next month.

So that is it for now. Check back tomorrow night for my "Skincare Tips - How I got over my skin issues" post. It's a good one, if I do say so myself, and something that's been doing wonders for my skin lately...so hopefully it will be very helpful and insightful for you guys as well.

Alright, I gotta go to bed now...gotta get up bright and early to make it to jury duty tomorrow.



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