Apologies for being MIA, and a big thank you...

Hi guys! Sorry I've been MIA...like 100% completely gone and missing for the past...5 weeks I think it is, but I was in a car accident, so I've been dealing with all that comes from that and recuperating.

I was on the freeway when the two cars in front of me collided and spun out, which was such a scary moment for me. I was able to keep my wits and come to a complete stop without hitting them, but the car behind was not able to stop and ended up rear ending me.  Given the circumstances, it definitely could've been a lot worse (thank goodness it wasn't), but it's the biggest accident that I've ever been in and there was a lot I had to deal with.

Thankfully no major injuries, but I've had so much pain and stiffness in my neck and back all the way down to my tailbone area. Because of that I've been going to therapy, and am still going to therapy, three times a week. 5 weeks later I am starting to feel better, but I'm still not 100%, and the reason I've been MIA is because I've pretty much just been hibernating this whole time...like legit just been sleeping all day.

The worst of it was first couple weeks or so when I was pretty much just sleeping all day all night every day 24/7...unless I had to be awake to go to therapy, take care of some business, or had to wake up to eat something so I could take my pain meds and go back to sleep...and of course to use the bathroom/shower, but aside from that I was basically dead to the world sleeping through my pain because not only did my pain meds knock me out, I wanted to sleep because I was in pain and could not get comfortable.

I don't know about you, but when I'm sleeping I don't feel pain or uncomfortableness, so a lot of times when I'm sick or in pain I tend to just try and sleep it off. Trying to fall asleep when you're in pain is the hardest part, but once I'm out, I'm out and the pain meds definitely made it very easy to fall asleep, so I took full advantage....when I could, because on the flipside of having meds that will knock you out and put you to sleep, because it does that, I wasn't able to take my pain meds if I knew I had to drive somewhere, so I just had to suffer through those moments...like when I had to drive back home after the accident (which happened out of state). Sitting in a car driving for hours isn't fun to begin with, but sitting and driving in a car for hours when your back/neck is stiff and in pain without any help from pain meds is absolutely miserable.

At any rate, the pain has slowly been getting better and so I've in turn started sleeping less and less as the days wore on and I'm still not back to normal or my normal sleep schedule, but I am down to about 9-10 hours of sleep during the weekday and about 12 hours of sleep during the weekends. Usually I get about 6-7 hours of sleep during the week and about 8 hours of sleep during the weekends so I'm getting there.

Like I said, I'm still not 100%, but my back is feeling better...I've had some random flare ups of pain and it can be a bit sore and stiff especially if I sit or lay in one position for too long and I'm still dealing with stiffness in my neck, but I'm off the strong pain meds and just take Tylenol when needed now and it's not so bad that I feel the need to sleep through the pain anymore, so I'm gonna try and ease back into posting.

Also, there have been a lot of comments being posted on the site while I was MIA, and I've been trying my best to respond and say thank you to each and every one of you that left a comment, but if I haven't had a chance to respond to you yet...or just in general even if you haven't left a comment, THANK YOU! I so appreciate you all for taking the time out of your day to visit the site and spend your time with me...not only visiting, but leaving lovely comments. I truly appreciate it and appreciate you and it definitely puts a smile on my face.

Before I would check my stats and see that there was traffic coming to my site...that people were visiting, but it didn't feel real just staring at some numbers, but with the comments and interaction it finally feels real...that there are real people visiting the site and interacting with me. I'm so glad to know that you enjoy my gibberish ramblings and somehow find it useful, and I really enjoy the interaction, so thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and sticking with me. I truly and deeply appreciate it more than I can say 😁.



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