Tron Hair (Haircare)

Tron Hair Tion Pink Damp Brush - Detangler for Wet to Dry Hair

Size: 10” or 26 cm
Decked with 350 anti-static bristles coated with T-ion, Damp Brush untangles damp hair and leaves it shiny and silky smooth. It's also heat-resistant and durable, making it the perfect tool to use with your blow dryer. Plus, each bristle has a ball tip that massages the scalp to boost hair health and decrease hair fall out.

Gently brush your damp or dried hair from root to tip.

September 14th, 2016: This brush is AWESOME! I've never really invested in a nice brush before. I usually just get something cheap from Walmart or like a street vendor from Korea. I have wanted to try those super fancy obnoxiously stupid expensive brushes (like the Mason Pearson brushes which are supposed to be amazing), but I could never fathom paying that much money for a hairbrush so I stuck to my cheap brushes and combs. This is probably the most expensive brush I've ever owned (which at $15 it isn't even expensive actually), but I'm really glad I got this because this pretty much does everything I could ever want and ask of a brush.

I was a little skeptical going in...I was like T-ion anti-static bristles that are going to leave my hair silky smooth and shiny? Really? But it totally does. There have been times that I skipped out on my L'ador shampoo and treatment conditioner (testing out other haircare products and using other products up) and my hair was dull and lackluster and not so great and I brush through it a few times with this and it just resuscitated my hair instantaneously. I feel like you could use the crappiest shampoo and conditioner, or even no shampoo and conditioner and just rinse with water and this will still make your hair really nice.

It really does make your hair silky smooth and soft and shiny with no frizz or static whatsoever and it's super gentle. Honestly I don't get tangles in my hair really ever, but I have forgotten to remove bobby pins from my hair and this just rakes it out ever so gently I don't even realize I had any in my hair until I hear it hit the ground. If I were using my old brushes it probably would have gotten stuck and I'd be like oh I forgot a bobby pin and I would have to go remove it before continuing to brush, but this one just rakes it out without you even realizing it so if it can do that I would imagine it does really well with tangles as well. Plus you can use this wet or dry without any worries about damaging your hair and also an added plus is that I feel like this helps to distribute the oil in your hair so you can eek out an extra day or two between shampooing.

As for the no hair getting stuck and the anti-microbial natural rubber cushion...I do still get hair stuck in the brush. Not a ton and I don't feel it at all, but I do see some hair in the brush after I'm done that I have to remove. Also, the whole anti-microbial thing...I honestly don't know and can't tell if it's effective, but my brush does get linty and dirty just like all the other brushes that I've used before so you'll still have to clean it from time to time but on a microbial germ level I can't say...have no way to test that personally. Aside from that it definitely does everything it claims to do leaving you with amazingly awesome hair.

If you're on the market for an awesome affordable brush then you should definitely check this one out. I wish they sold a small pocket sized one so I could keep one in my purse.

UPDATE: I ended up tossing this brush because the little red beads on the tips of each bristle started breaking off exposing the rough plastic edge of the bristles which would scratch my scalp and it hurt. Those little beaded tips play a mighty role in the comfort of the brush and now that they had all broken off, the brush was too rough and painful to use.


1. Memebox

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