Muji (Skincare)

MUJI Cut Cotton

Size: 180 pieces (60x50 mm)
100% Unbleached Cotton

May 4th, 2016: I meant to get the Muji 4 layer cotton pads, but accidentally ordered these instead. Regardless, I'm still happy to have these as they work really well and you get a lot for not so much money. I think I paid like $8 for this 180 piece pack and I only need one pad per use so this will probably last me awhile...probably about 3 months since I use one in the morning and one at night. The pad itself is thick and soft and fluffy like a cloud, yet still durable and strong. It doesn't break apart or leave lint on my face and it works really well with my toners. Also, I feel like it doesn't eat up my skincare products. For face related skin care these are awesome.

For nail polish removal, however, these are HORRIBLE. These worked so well on my face and seemed to be so durable and strong I decided to give these a go at removing nail polish. Boy was that a huge mistake. First of all, the nail polish remover soaked through the pad as if there was nothing there and then oh my god the lint. So so so so much lint. As soon as I poured the remover on to the pad it started to break apart almost instantaneously. Pieces of cotton got stuck on my nails and fingers and it was unravelling and coming apart like...cotton candy. It looked like I had fluffy pieces of cotton candy all over my hands. It was just a huge cottony mess.

In retrospect I regret not taking any pictures...I really should've taken some to show you what happened, but there was just too much going on with the remover all over my hands from soaking straight through the pad and the linty cottony mess all over my nails and fingers and whatnot so I'm sorry to say I have no pictures of that to share, but take my word for it...this is no good when it comes to removing nail polish.

Two thumbs up for skincare needs, but two thumbs down for nail care needs.

FTC disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links.



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