Edit9 Point Pack

OMG, I want these...no I need these in my life, but the shipping is so obnoxiously expensive! 

The product itself is actually really affordable, you get 10 sheets in one pack, but the shipping...it costs more than the product itself! And not just a little more, but a little more than DOUBLE the price of the actual items. This is a screenshot of what I wanted...
Plus, the colors that I wanted (red and pink) were all out of stock...so definitely wouldn't want to pay an outrageous amount of shipping for items that are in a color that is not my first choice...and I really wanted the baseball one as well, even though I'm not a baseball fan, because I think it's so cute but it was out of stock.

So adorable and Instagram worthy, but for that much shipping I will have to sadly pass. I tried to see if it was available on Amazon or Ebay, but I don't think it is and I couldn't find it anywhere.

Perhaps one day I will get the chance to have these in my life, but until then a girl can dream.

BTW, these are "point packs" which are essentially tinier bite sized adorably shaped/designed sheet masks that you apply just to the places that you really need it vs putting an entire sheet on your face and looking like a scary Mike Myers. Plus, because these are smaller you can not only apply them to your face, but also to other parts of your body which is something that you can't do with traditional face masks...well technically you could take some scissors to a face mask and cut it up into bite sized pieces, but who wants to do that.

Here are all the different designs that they have...




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