Self Driving Cars (Random Rambles)

Ok, so I've had this idea rolling around in my head for a long while started way back about 10 years ago when I wasn't old enough to drive. Oh how I wished I could drive. I hated having to rely on my busy parents to take me...or rather not take me...everywhere.

Anywho, my idea is this...since we already have the technology to use GPS in our cars already, why not alter it to create a completely computerized GPS car where all you have to do is type in your current location then type in your destination and voila the car takes you. No driving involved on our part.

The car would run via the computerized GPS system, which would control everything...steering, speed (accelerating & decelerating), parking, etc. The GPS system would continuously be updated via wifi with info. for speed limits, construction zones, traffic alerts, etc. so....

No more getting lost, no more speeding (because the GPS controls the car and would know what the speed limits are for the area and drive accordingly), no more surprise traffic jams (the GPS would find and take alternative routes for you), no more falling asleep at the wheel, no more having to rely on other people for rides cause you're not old enough to drive, no more having to worry about designated drivers or DUI's since the car drives itself, etc. which more getting tickets! The police can redirect their time and energy to real crimes and criminals instead of handing out tickets for traffic violations.

I also remember seeing a car commercial (at least I think I saw this in a car commercial...don't really remember) where it utilized sensors for parallel help guide you into a spot so you don't bump the car behind you and in front of you. Well this car would utilize that technology as well so that your car is always a certain preset distance away from the cars around you and also to park itself.

The only cons would be potential computer glitches and hackers getting into your system, but oh how wonderful it would be to have a car like this...oh and for those with long commutes to work, like I do, you could utilize that extra time that you would normally spend driving to get some work done or get some more sleep or something.



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