Hand Scanning (Random Rambles)

I hate carrying stuff around with me...keys, credit cards, etc. So I was thinking...wouldn't it be totally awesome if we could shrink the amount of stuff we carry around by linking everything to our handprints and just scanning them whenever necessary?

Need to unlock your door? Just scan your handprint!
The scanner will be pre-programmed to only recognized authorized handprints with some kind of over ride for emergency officials.

Need to pay for something? Just scan your handprint!
When you scan your handprint, all your accounts - savings, checking, credit card, etc. - that are linked to your handprint will pop up. Then just choose which account you want the money to be deducted from.

Pulled over by a cop for a traffic violation? Just scan your handprint!
This will pull up your ID info. along with your car registration and insurance info. No more cluttering your glove compartment with paperwork. 

Think about it...
No more getting locked out because you lost, forgot, or misplaced your keys...
No more worries about pick pocketers or forgetting your wallet at home or cheap people who purposely "forget" their wallet and say they'll get the tab next time but never do...

Everything, well almost everything, you need to function in your day to day life would be right at your fingertips...literally!



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