Interactive TV (Random Rambles) this isn't entirely my original idea. I vaguely remember seeing something in passing a few years ago on a Korean show, but interactive TV...a way for you to interact with whatever's going on on your TV. The ultimate way to be a lazy consumer, and an involved viewer.

The first part of what this idea entails is the ability to pause whatever you're watching on your television (which thanks to Tivo and DVR's we already can) and buy whatever it is that you like onscreen. Interactive TV will allow you to pull up a list of all the clothing, jewelry, music, furniture, locations, etc. used in creating that scene and you can just select what you like, add it to your shopping basket, and checkout at the end of the show/movie. Like the outfit the character is wearing? BUY IT! Like the song that's playing in the background? BUY IT! Like the exotic location the scene is taking place in? Go ahead and add a travel booking to that destination into your cart! Instead of wondering where that outfit came from and where you can get it, or what song that is so you can track it down and buy it, etc. you can have all the info. and purchasing power right at your fingertips.

The second part of Interactive TV would be to make you a more involved viewer. Watching a game show? Play along. Shocked by the twist that just unfolded on your favorite show? Share your thoughts with the other viewers as it happens in real time. Want to save your favorite contestant from being eliminated? Send your vote with the click of a button.



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