Prelab (Skincare)

Prelab Skin Energy Mask - Soothing Energy
Size: 25 ml
Experience intensive skin care with this unique mask sheet fully immersed in a rich ampoule serum to help restore your skin's healthy condition. What's special about this face mask is that the sheet itself is made from 100% natural fiber derived from botanical plants. This makes it highly absorbent and very gentle to the skin.

Skin Energy Mask in Soothing contains premium propolis extract, tea tree oil, aloe vera and deep sea water which work in complete synergy to help calm and soothe aggravated skin. Due to harsh environmental effects or too much heat exposure, the skin may develop redness and irritation which makes this ampoule mask a perfect treatment for skin stress relief.

After washing your face and toning, place the mask on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the mask then pat the remaining essence for better absorption.

June 22nd, 2016: I like this soooo much better than the Wrinkle Energy. First of all, it did not make me sick. Secondly this actually soothed my skin. My cheeks tend to get irritated and red and splotchy a lot...I don;t know why, but it does. Anywho, I had a "flare up" so I slapped this baby on not expecting much, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that this really actually really did soothe my skin and greatly reduced the redness and irritation...I would say like 90% ish. It also left my skin hydrated and smooth and glowy and nice. 

Like the Wrinkle Energy, this mask was also DRENCHED in serum but it wasn't a milky serum like the Wrinkle Energy mask. This one was a clear serum. After trying this mask out I kind of wonder if maybe the wrinkle mask went a little bad? Is that why it had a milky serum and made me sick? It didn't smell bad or anything, but compared to this one which had a clear serum and didn't make me sick I wonder. I'll have to see what the other two masks in this line are like.

Anywho, like I said this is also completely drenched in serum. Even after having it on for like 45 min when I took it off it had enough serum still in it to make it feel brand new as if I had just taken it out of the was still drenched in serum. Not the most secure feeling mask. It did slide a little bit, but I was still able to be upright. Again, like the Wrinkle Energy, this left an abundance of serum on my face but it sinked in pretty quickly. It was ever so slightly sticky at first, but once the serum sinked in completely it wasn't stick or tacky at all. My skin just felt nice and calm and smooth.

If you're on the hunt for a good soothing mask that actually calms the skin than you should definitely check this one out.

P.S. I woke up the next morning and my skin felt so nice. It was hydrated and soft and smooth and happy.

Prelab Skin Energy Mask - Wrinkle Energy
Size: 25 ml
Experience intensive skin care with this unique mask sheet fully immersed in a rich ampoule serum to help restore your skin's healthy condition. What's special about this face mask is that the sheet itself is made from 100% natural fiber derived from botanical plants. This makes it highly absorbent and very gentle to the skin.

Skin Energy Mask in Wrinkle Care features excellent anti-aging ingredients such as Collagen, Adenosine, Peptide, Deep Sea Water and Fermented Soybeans. These ingredients promote skin elasticity for softer, smoother and firmer skin. It helps minimize fine line and wrinkles to keep skin looking young and plump!

After washing your face and toning, place the mask on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the mask then pat the remaining essence for better absorption.

I'm not sure if you can tell in my terrible pictures below, but this sheet mask is drenched in a milky serum. It's very liquidy, but has a white milky tinge to it and the mask is completely DRENCHED in it. I left this on for 40 mins...well past the suggested 15-20 min and it was still drenched in serum when I took it off my face. 
I would have left the mask on for even longer until the majority of the serum got absorbed regardless of the suggested time (I tend to ignore suggested time frames and take sheet masks off only when I feel like enough of the serum has absorbed into my skin), but I ended up taking it off "early" because this made me kind of...not nauseous per se, but on the verge of nauseous? It made my stomach feel a little unsettled...I guess that would be the best way to describe it, so I left it on as long as I could before deciding I should finally take it off before I crossed that line from unsettled to nauseous.

I don't know what in this made me feel that's not like it had a repulsive or pungent smell or anything like that, but something about it made me sick. I was feeling completely fine going into this. It was only after I put the mask on that I started to feel that way, so I'm going assume that it was something in this mask...especially since I started to feel better after removing it.

While it did leave my skin hydrated and smooth it wasn't anything spectacular and I've tried other sheet masks that perform just as well if not better without making me sick, so it's a pass for me. I'm just not a fan. The mask was drenched in way too much serum, it made me feel a little sick, and while it did moisturize and smooth my skin I don't feel like it did any firming or go above and beyond.

Perhaps I'm being a bit too hard on it and am being biased because it made me feel a little sick, but I will say the one positive that I did really like about this mask is that despite the overabundance of serum left behind on my face after removing the mask, the remaining essence absorbed into the skin really quickly. I've tried a couple other masks that also left an overabundance of serum on my face and it took FOREVER for it to completely sink into my skin. This however sinked in lightning fast compared to those. It only took a few minutes and it wasn't sticky or anything which was nice.

Prelab Skin Energy Mask - White Energy
Size: 25 ml
Experience intensive skin care with this unique mask sheet fully immersed in a rich ampoule serum to help restore your skin's healthy condition. What's special about this face mask is that the sheet itself is made from 100% natural fiber derived from botanical plants. This makes it highly absorbent and very gentle to the skin.

Skin Energy Mask in Whitening features natural ingredients including Glutathione, Niacinamide and Deep Sea Water to deliver radiance to the skin. It also helps even out skin tone by lightening dark spots and discolorations for a bright and flawless complexion.

After washing your face and toning, place the mask on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the mask then pat the remaining essence for better absorption.

Meh...not a fan. Just like the others this was DRENCHED in serum...a milky serum like the Wrinkle Care, but this one didn't make me feel sick. Did nothing for my face except provide moisture...too much actually. It happened to be a hot and humid night and the overabundance of serum left behind on my face made me feel miserable. I tried to be as patient as I could for it to completely sink into my skin, but it was taking FOREVER and the humidity was getting to me so I ended up wiping the extra serum off my face.

Prelab Skin Energy Mask - Aqua Energy
Size: 25 ml
Experience intensive skin care with this unique mask sheet fully immersed in a rich ampoule serum to help restore your skin's healthy condition. What's special about this face mask is that the sheet itself is made from 100% natural fiber derived from botanical plants. This makes it highly absorbent and very gentle to the skin.

Skin Energy Mask in Aqua features rich and natural moisturizing ingredients including Hyaluronic Acid, Panthenol and Deep Sea Water. These ingredients effectively supply immense hydration to the skin layers for long-lasting gloss and softness. This helps prevent dry patches and early skin aging for rich hydration boosts the skin’s overall health condition.

After washing your face and toning, place the mask on your face and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the mask then pat the remaining essence for better absorption.

This is a moisturizing mask and it was moisturizing...but then again with the obnoxiously excessive amount of serum it comes drenched in I don't think it's possible for this mask not to provide hydration. Regardless, I'm not a fan. I would rather use a different hydrating mask over this one. It just has way too much serum that takes forever to sink in.

1. Memebox links above

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