Happy New Year!!! ~ Resolutions for 2015

Happy New Year Everyone!!! I hope everyone's year has gotten off to a great start. 

Now that a new year has started, I'm sure a lot of people have compiled their resolutions and list of things they'd like to do, try out, and accomplish this year. I've put mine together and wanted to share it with you guys...

  • I would like to start my own YouTube channel. 
    • I really want to meet/interact with new people and I felt that this would be a great platform to do that while stepping outside my boundaries and expanding my horizons. 
    • Here is a link to my channel... 
  • Take baby steps to being healthier. 
    • I know it's not realistic to think that I can completely revamp my eating habits overnight and maintain that, so instead of setting the impossible goal of going cold turkey and eating completely healthy, I wanted to take the baby steps to help get me there slowly but surely because as we all know from "The Turtle and the Hare" parable sometimes slow and steady is the way to go. 
    • For example: using the oven more to bake foods rather than frying, substituting out my very unhealthy potato chip addiction with healthier alternatives like all natural air popped versions, substituting dark chocolate for milk chocolate, etc. all the whilst whittling down portions little by little. 
    • In terms of exercise, I would love to start taking my power walks and go hiking again...in terms of the hiking I'd like to go at least once a month. 
  • Learn a new language...I'm gravitating towards Chinese, but I hear its really easy to learn Japanese so it's a toss up between the two. 
So these are my goals for this year. 

What about you guys? I would love to hear what you guys have planned/in store for this year.

Cheers to 2015 being an amazingly fantastic year for each and every one of you!



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