Deoproce (Makeup)

Deoproce Power Curling Mascara

Size: 10 ml

Delivers the results of long and curled lashes.

The curved shape of the brush can reach the tiniest of lashes.
Lengthens all lashes including the smallest ones.

September 20th, 2018: I know hate is a strong word, but oh my god I hate this mascara. This has a super liquid-y wet formula that gets EVERYWHERE. I've never had such a messy mascara application in my life. Not only did it get ALL over my eyelids, it even transferred onto my lower lashes and coated them in mascara every time I blinked in addition to smudging all over my lower lash line...which wasn't even the worst part.

The worst thing about this mascara is that it turns your eyelashes into velcro...very weak worn velcro that isn't strong enough to rip your lashes from your eyelid, but nonetheless there was enough stick that every time I blinked my eyes my upper and lower lashes would stick and "velcro" together before separating again when I opened my eyes and therefore I could feel my lashes every single time I blinked, which was crazy annoying...and I mean CRAZY ANNOYING...and it remained that way. That velcro feeling did not go away with time, so yeah...I ended up just having to take if off after an hour or so because I just couldn't take it this is a definite pass in my book.

Oh and also, aside from the debacle mentioned above, this doesn't even do anything for the lashes. It maybe lengthens the teeny tiniest bit, but other than that nothing. No volume, which yeah it doesn't claim to be volumizing, but definitely no curling either, which this is called the power curling mascara, but nope...there was no power curling. Not even a regular curling. My lashes fell so limp.

I hate to be so negative, especially without mentioning at least one positive, but I honestly cannot find one redeeming quality about this product...the application process sucks, it does nothing for my lashes, it bothers and annoys me after application and it doesn't even have cute packaging. This was just an all around dud and disappointment for me...although perhaps I actually did get a dud? The picture of this product (as seen above) shows a curved mascara wand, but mine wasn't curved at all. It had an ever so slightly, and I mean maybe a 2 degree slant, not curve but slant, to the I had accidentally bent it. I mean does this look curved to you?
So maybe it's possible my entire tube is just a dud product? This is me trying to not be such a hater and try and find some type of positive, but at any rate that was my experience with this mascara and if you couldn't tell by now, I do not recommend giving this a go.

1. Beauteque



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