Life Update...

2017 has been proving to be a very busy year for me. I've had a lot going on in my life...good things, but just A LOT of things going on, and on top of that I do have a full time job, so I've been swamped and haven't really been able to dedicate much time to the I'm sure you can tell.

One of my resolutions for the year was to dedicate more time and energy to the blog, but alas I've been failing miserably at that. On the upside, I have accomplished/am still actively accomplishing 3 of my other resolutions for the year though, so not all is lost.

It's way too hot to be hiking now that it's summer...especially with the horrendous heat wave that was going was legit 120 degrees here in Vegas and LA was no picnic either with the heat and humidity, but I did start up with the hiking and did quite a bit during the spring (which reminds me I still need to get up my adventure posts from Kolob, Zion, Mt. Charleston, etc.) before the heatwave/summer hit and once it starts to cool off again I do plan on continuing where I left off, so that's one resolution that will be checked off at years end.

Secondly, I finally paid off the last of my student loans and am finally officially debt free, which is such a HUGE relief and source of joy and excitement, so that's another resolution checked off my list. My goal was to get it paid off by the end of this year, but I actually ended up paying it off earlier then planned this summer.

The third resolution for the year that I'm currently in the process of checking off is home renovations. I planned to start my renovations in May, but alas it got pushed till now. I finally started renovations about 2.5 weeks ago, which is why I've been MIA, as I've decided to go the DIY route. If you saw my last "Life Update" post from the spring then you know I was planning on sharing my DIY renovation journey with you so that is coming at some point.

I started with the kitchen, which is almost done, but boy has it been a process and learning experience. I did a ton of research and I like to think that I'm crafty and have done little things here and there, but this is the first big DIY project that I've ever tackled and the first renovation project that I've ever done in my life and it's been quite the journey thus far, but it's coming together nicely. I can't wait to share my stories and experience and before and after with you guys.

On top of that there's a lot of other renovations that I want to do, but my goal for this year is to at least get the exterior of my home painted, which I will get done professionally once the weather cools (I know that's one job that I will not be able to do personally) and I plan on DIY renovations for the bathrooms, so that will be another check off my list. If I'm able to get more done then I definitely want to, but those are my renovation goals for this, bathrooms, and home exterior. Next year I want to get into landscaping my front and back yard and renovating the rooms, but that's for next year.

I did have a fifth resolution, that I'm also failing miserably at, which will probably roll over and get pushed to next year, but I wanted to learn a new language. I was thinking about Chinese, but that is not an easy language to learn and it's already August, so that clearly isn't happening this year...but still, 3 out of 5 ain't bad right?

Anywho, you can never know what life will throw your way, but I think my life will be calming down slowly but surely and I think the fall will be pretty chill, so hopefully that's the case and I can dedicate more time to the blog and get back to posting more consistently.

I know I say this a lot, but please bear with me as I've got lots of exciting content to come. I've got those adventure posts from Kolob, Zion, Mt. Charleston, etc. that I've got to get up for you guys, I've got my renovation posts coming, and of course all the skincare and makeup reviews that are always pending and forthcoming.

I really need to get on the ball though and pump those out for you guys. I think I have products that I hauled on here from a year ago that are still pending, which is shameful...even more shameful is the fact that I have products that expired just sitting there waiting to be used (oops) so I really need to get myself organized and on the ball with using and reviewing, but I will get to everything...eventually, so please bear with me and check back. I should, hopefully, be back up and running consistently soon.

As always, if there's a certain product from my past hauls that you'd like to see reviewed first then let me know in the comments. I'm happy to get those up for you first before I review anything else.



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