
Hi Guys!
Sorry I've been MIA. I took a last minute impromptu trip to Kolob Canyon and Brian Head this weekend, and I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to go hiking at Kolob Canyon. I knew I was out of shape, but I did not realize to what extent I am out of shape and got a rude awakening. I guess I must've been in denial about it.

While I love to go hiking, I have gotten lazy and complacent and am definitely not as active as I used to be and haven't been hiking in about a year...and a half, so what made me think I could do 6 hours of hiking out of the blue I don't know...especially since it was actual hiking on rocky terrain and not just an out and back on a relatively flat surface. I mean look at what my fitbit recorded for yesterday...
I've never accomplished 24,000 steps in one day and there were so many steps and inclines along the trail it recorded me as having gone up the equivalent of 87 flights of stairs! I'll get more into the whole experience in an actual full post with pictures from the hike, but let's just say I wasn't sure I was gonna make it...however, I'm proud to say I didn't give up and finished the hike (barely), but I am soooooooo unbelievably sore right now. I really need to get back to being more active and exercising and hiking.

Anywho, on top of that, I drove up to Brian Head right after (where I had booked a room) and proceeded to get altitude sickness on top of that, so I was just out for the count...which totally sucked because I was so looking forward to the night sky and stargazing up at Brian Head/Cedar Break, which is supposed to be AMAZING...but sadly I missed out on, on account of I was so sick and sore I straight up just walked into my hotel room and collapsed/passed out on the bed.

I finally made it safely back home, but I'm still recuperating. Altitude sickness pretty much went away as soon as I made it back down the mountain, but my body is still wrecked from the hike. Trying to make sure I recuperate in time though for my trip to Zion this weekend. So excited, although I think I'll stick to the easy trails and pace myself this time around.

Despite everything I'm still glad I went though, and despite it all I did still enjoy myself.

I probably won't be doing much posting this week, but here's a sneak peak of what's to come...
Isn't Kolob Canyon beautiful?
Me pushing through the pain to revel in the snow. You can't even tell that I didn't shower, brush my teeth or my hair...or can you? All I did was rinse my face with some water and swish some mouthwash before using my fingers to hap-hazardously tie my messy dirty hair out of my face.



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