Inspired Adventures - Yangjaecheon (양재천)

Yangjaecheon is a 5.5 km (~3.4 mi) stream that flows through the Gangnam district of Seoul. This long stretch of greenway has multiple parallel bike and pedestrian trails, public exercise equipment, and benches.

While I didn't walk the entire length from end to end, I did explore the Dogokdong section and the Yangjae Citizens Forest which was absolutely beautiful. I wish I lived in a place where there's an actual fall season with the gorgeous turning of the leaves. Unfortunately, I go back and forth between Vegas and LA and neither of those places experiences a real fall season...but I digress. 

Built for the 1986 Asian Games and the 1988 Seoul Olympics this park, which is 88.709 acres, is an urban forest made up of over 70 different species of trees. A highlight of the park is the acupuncture path, which I got to try out first hand. Picture is below. 

Can you tell I'm half fake laughing/smiling for the camera? That path is painful, but a fun painful...if that makes any sense. It's not like an omg my life is in danger or something has gone horribly wrong with my body painful, but you know where you do something and its just kind of ridiculous you can't help but just sort of laugh out of incredulity? No? That's ok even I don't understand the gibberish I just wrote and I wrote it. If you're ever there go take a walk on the path and you'll understand. If I ever make it back there I would definitely walk it again.

Anywho, aside from the acupuncture path the Yangjae forest has a lot to offer. For sports enthusiasts there is a roller skating rink, basketball courts, tennis courts, a 4.8 km walking trail and outdoor exercise equipment. For those interested in history the park has lots of memorials and sculptures and even a museum dedicated to Korean activist Yun Bong Gil where you can learn about his life and the Korean Independence Movement. There are also landscaped facilities like the Octagonal Pavilion and the Pagora, children's playgrounds, and even a wedding hall.

I highly recommend a visit if you're ever in Korea.

Hours & Admission: The park is open 24 hours a day all year. The Yun Bung Gil memorial museum is open from 10:00AM to 5:30PM during April to October and 10:00AM to 4:30PM during November to March.

Admission: The park and Yun Bung Memorial are free to all.




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