Smart Chair (Random Rambles)

Here's my latest idea...the Smart Chair. Inspired by my terrible...and I mean TERRIBLE posture. I hope I don't end up a hunchback one day. 

So anywho, this will be a computerized tech savvy chair that is good for your back. It will be computerized so that you can input your age, weight, height, measurements (cause everyone is different...two people can be the same height, but one has a longer torso and shorter legs while the other has a shorter torso and longer legs, etc.), and length of sit.

With this info. the smart chair will then calculate and conform itself to provide the optimal position and firmness for you to provide the proper support needed for spine health and prevent butt fatigue. For those of you who sit at a desk all day you know what I mean. 

Also, as a bonus for those with poor postures like me...cushioned shoulder pads that will help to keep your shoulders pressed against the back of the chair so you can't hunch.



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